
Waggoner's Parent-Teacher Organization organizes events for fun and fundraising all year long. Here's a complete list of what we're doing this year.

The Art Masterpiece classes will be in each classroom October thru April. Please sign up for any class you wish to teach via the signup genius: Waggoner Community: ART MASTERPIECE FALL 2024

"Art Masterpiece is a great way to volunteer IN your student's classroom. There is a slideshow to go over with the class and an art activity for the students to do after the slideshow. I usually invite one of my parent-friends to volunteer with me. We have gotten to know our kids' classmates and teachers so well because of this program." - Waggoner Parent Volunteer

Art Masterpiece is a nationally-recognized art enrichment and education program. This program encourages art literacy and develop cognitive, analytical, and creative thinking skills. It is run entirely by volunteer parents.

Art Masterpiece lessons are pre-planned, last approximately 45 minutes, and include a fun “hands-on” art activity. The purpose of this program is to increase children’s awareness of art in the world around them. We accomplish this by introducing students to various elements of art and design in fun and easy-to-grasp ways.

Are you interested in volunteering for the Art Masterpiece program?  You do not have to be a former art major, artistically gifted, or even well-versed in art.  All you need to be is available to volunteer and reliable to show up. The presentations are already designed and available to download. You just have to present them!  Art Masterpiece is one of the few volunteer programs where you can teach in your child's classroom!

Click here to see our Art Masterpiece Program by Grade Level.

Meghann Powell

The Waggoner book fair is twice a year and is a chance for your child to shop at school for amazing books.

The 2024-2025 Book Fairs are scheduled for:

**September 9th-13th.  It will be open during Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday evening.

**February 26-March 1st - It will be open during Parent-Teacher conferences.

Our school reading area is magically transformed into a bookstore with books for all ages! The Book Fair is open to students during lunch recess and to families one hour after school.

Here are some things to know about Phoenix Book Company's bookfair: 

· Most books are 20-60% off the retail price.

· PBC provides round pricing which means tax is included in the price. You pay the sticker price, nothing more!

· This is a cash fair. There are no e-Wallets.

· Book Fair flyers will go home prior to the Bookfair with an envelope for student shopping money.

· Teacher Wish List Books will be available for purchase as well as PBC Bucks (gift cards) in $5 increments. 

· There will be daily games and opportunities to win prizes by donating to our school library.

If you'd like to volunteer, we would appreciate your help! 

Feel free to reach out to the Book Fair Team with any questions:

Misty Pavlovic

Communications includes our PTO newsletter, social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and any other ways the PTO communicates with our community. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with this program! Please contact our communications chair for more information!

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

Upcoming Events



Parent Teacher Organization Meeting in Art Room.  Check in at the Front Office.

Click here to join the meeting

Previous Months' Minutes.


Parent Teacher Organization Meeting in Room 25.  Check in at the Front Office.

Zoom link sent via PTO email.

Last Month's Minutes are here.

Ashley Boca
Brittany Bonitatibus
Brian O'Malley

The Exploration Station was created by the Waggoner PTO to provide a STEM experience to our students during lunch recess. Each Wednesday, we open a classroom during lunch recess where students* are able to come tinker, build, and create. We also have the ability to bring a STEM activity into classrooms. The Exploration Station includes hands on projects, experiments, brain games and so much more.

*Students with Exploration Station permission slips are randomly selected by their teachers to participate.  Permission slips are located here.

Exploration Station grows each year, and we’d love for you to be a part of it! Sign Up to volunteer here.


Please contact the Exploration Station chair for more information!

Misty Pavlovic

When we participate in the following programs, Waggoner earns rebates based on the money we spend. There’s no additional out of pocket cost. Here’s how it works…


Fry’s Community Rewards Program: Visit to enroll your Fry’s V.I.P. Card online.

  1. Create an online Fry’s account.
  2. Register “Waggoner” under the Community Rewards section. If prompted, our NPO Number is 80299.
  3. Start shopping! Fry’s sends Waggoner a check based on a percentage of the sales each quarter. If you signed up in previous years, you will need to re-enroll this year.

Mabel's Labels

Shop for durable labels for water bottles, lunch boxes, clothes and more! Visit Mabel's Labels' fundraising page, select Waggoner PTO (Tempe), and shop! Waggoner PTO earns 20% off each purchase you make.


Buy e-gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases.  3-14% (depending on brand) of the amount of each e-card will be donated back to the PTO.  Go to or the RaiseRight app to sign up for an account, use enrollment code C6XS1J44U9LL.  Your e-gift card will be sent immediately to your phone or computer.

Office Depot/Office Max

Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide the Waggoner school ID #70004975 at checkout online or in the store, and Waggoner will receive 5% back in credits for FREE school supplies.

Harkin’s Gift Cards

Buy Harkin’s $25 Gift Cards in the Waggoner front office or with the Paypal button (for a small upcharge to cover our fees). Waggoner earns a rebate for each card sold. Please call the front office (480-541-1000) before you stop by to pick up your card(s), to confirm they know about the order.

Name for card pickup/delivery

Coca-Cola Give

Through Coca-Cola Give, you can support Waggoner by donating the codes found on various Coca-Cola products. Visit and click on “Donate to Your Local School.” Enter Waggoner in the “Search for Your School” bar, and you will be prompted to enter and/or scan your Coke product codes.

Brittany Bonitatibus

Step It Up is our annual school fundraiser-this single fundraiser supports our school and PTO for the entire year.  Last year the Waggoner PTO funded workshops for teachers; start-up funds for each classroom and grade level support funds; supplies for the health office; school wide Science Fair; Trunk or Treat; Turkey Trot; Student-showcase; Book Fair; Carnival and the Yearbook.  We raise those funds primarily with one annual fundraiser.

Our 2024-2025 Step It Up! program kick off is on August 12th!  You can participate by clicking the link below. It will take you to our school’s fundraiser website where you can set up your child’s Personal Donation page and invite your friends and family to join our efforts to help our school! - official link will be added in August.

We need your help to raise money to:

1.     Increase in school experiences such as Childsplay and Nerding

2.     Buy books and supplies to enhance classroom learning and 

3.     Continue to grow our community events!

This entire fundraiser can be completed in TEN MINUTES OR LESS. Please send out TEN or MORE emails via your Personal Donation Page and your child will qualify for the Golden Ticket prizes and drawings! Have your child return their completed Golden Ticket to school TUESDAY, AUGUST 15th!

Join our REVOLUTION of FUN. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s a great way to support your student as they use their awesomeness to help others! 

Please help us reach 100% participation this year, so that we can continue to fund and support our students’ bright and amazing future! 

Here is a copy of the Golden Ticket Packet and general fundraiser information. Need help completing the Golden Ticket Assignment? Click HERE to watch a video!

This school year's DAY OF AWESOMENESS is on November 15th!!!

Kristin Basha

Throughout the year, the school hosts many events in which parents and family members are invited to come watch, and/or participate. On days in which an event, or other celebration occurs, all visitors must be checked in through the front office.  During these times, the Waggoner front office appreciates the help of volunteers. These volunteers help with signing in and out family members, the collection of proper identification (driver’s license), and the exchange of visitor badges. For the safety reasons, all visitors must check in through the front office, provide appropriate identification, and wear a school visitor badge while on school property. Volunteer time slots are typically 1-hour long, but can be shorter.

If you are interested in volunteering, you can reach out to the volunteer chair, or visit the Sign Up Genius link as they come up. Thank you.

Liz Bevan
Shannon Winer

Join us for our 5th Annual Waggoner Family Glow Dance!

The Glow Dance will take place on Friday, January 24th, 2025 from 6pm-730pm.

Admission is FREE for all Waggoner students. All children must be accompanied by an adult. There will be items for sale including pizza, drinks, and glow items. The DJ will be playing your favorite music, so come ready to dance! 

We are always looking for volunteers to donate their time. Contact a committee chair to find out how to help.

Jessi Schafer
Ted Organ
Brian O'Malley

We have a wonderful tradition at Waggoner. During the first three weeks of school, volunteers are able to assist in the kindergarten classrooms. In this role you will support both the teachers and the students as they acclimate in this new school year. The children will be practicing unfamiliar routines and procedures, experiencing new school expectations, exercising transitions in and outside the classroom, and navigating a lot of big feelings. Volunteers help all of these big changes run just a little more smoothly.

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our Sign-up Genius. You will also need to print and fill out a Volunteer Information Form, bring it and your driver's license with you to the front office.


NOTE: Current kinder parents can volunteer during this time, but not in the classroom that your child is enrolled.

Ashley Boca
Cait Sabato

The Legacy Tile Wall beautification project is a great way for you to leave your family’s mark at Waggoner! Tiles cost $30 and will be installed in our newly renovated courtyards. Proceeds will benefit future improvements to our outdoor spaces and our PTO upcoming activities.

Legacy Tile take-home kits are $30 and you can use the form below to order one. Once your order is placed, you tile will be sent home in your student’s backpack with all the supplies they will need to paint their tile!

Student Name(s)
Teacher Name(s)

If you have any questions or if you would like more info on our upcoming tile painting events, please contact Meghann at

Meghann Powell

A PTO requisition form is required for any monies that have not been accounted for in our annual budget or have surpassed the limit of the line item for the budget. A form is to be completed at least 1 week prior to the next PTO meeting and will be reviewed by the board and its members and then presented and voted on at the PTO meeting.

Link to Requisition form.

Stacey Clarken
Brooke Warwick

Calling ALL Waggoner Scientists!

It's time for our annual Waggoner Science Fair! 

Science is all around us! Our Science Fair is a great way for our students to explore their curiosity, learn how things work, figure out how to make things better, and learn about the scientific method. We hope you will encourage your scientist to participate in this enriching and fun exploration! 

This year we introduced some new changes to our fair: 

  • Display Board: PTO will provide a complimentary display board to each scientist, if they are enrolled by April 12th. 
  • Cookie Celebration: All participants will be invited to a party in the afternoon of Science Fair to celebrate their hard work and innovation! 
  • Awards: We are introducing some awards this year! 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place awards will be given to the winners in each grade level. Additional certificates will be awarded in categories such as most creative, most environmentally impactful, best display, etc. Award participation is completely optional, and you can indicate your student's preference on the enrollment form. 

Below is a guide with everything you need to know to help your scientist with their project! 

Waggoner Science Fair Guide
Please fill out the form below to enroll your scientist.

Scientist Enrollment Form

Important Dates: 

  • Board Reservation Deadline: TBD
  • Project Drop-off: TBD
  • Science Fair & Cookie Celebration: TBD
  • Project Pick-up: TBD

Please contact Whitney Miller with any questions or concerns- 

Whitney Miller

The Waggoner Site Council is a group of Parents, Community members, Teachers and Staff that work collaboratively to collect and allocate Tax Credit funds, review and evaluate the parent satisfaction survey, review and comment on school improvement plans, address issues referred by the district office and the school operations committee. We meet 4 times per year and our meetings are open to the community.

The 1st meeting of the school year takes place September 5th at 330pm in the Waggoner Conference Room.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to any the site council parents: Gracie Knutson, Kelli Christakis, Jen Gianetta, or Todd Nakagawa.

Brooke Warwick

Our Staff Appreciation Committee plans events, meals, and gestures of appreciation each month to help show all of the Waggoner Staff how much we value them and their commitment to our community!

We keep the breakroom stocked with cups, drinks, snacks, and water. In an effort to help offset these costs, the Staff Appreciation Committee kindly asks for donations of drinks, snacks, and other supplies. Every donation is greatly appreciated! Please drop off all items to the front office.

Below is a list of days we plan on bringing in a little extra for the teachers. If you would like to take over the mailbox treat, let us know. If you have a theme idea or food idea for one of the lunch events, please reach out to a committee chair. 

  • Welcome Back Breakfast: July 17th
  • Monthly Mailbox Treats: July - May
  • Curriculum Lunch: August 7th
  • Lunches for Parent Teacher Conferences: September 11th-13th and February 5th-7th
  • Fall Break Breakfast: October 15th
  • Teacher Appreciation Week festivities: May 5th-9th
Upcoming Events


Staff Appreciation Week is a time for all the students and parents/guardians to show the Waggoner Staff some extra love.

Brooke Warwick
Ashley Boca
Gracie Knutson
Nicole Brown

The Student Showcase for 2024-2025 school year will take place on Thursday, April 17, 2025 from 530pm-7pm.

This annual event brings our awesome community together to showcase all of the great things happening at Waggoner. Waggoner's "Student Showcase" features student art displays throughout campus and more!. Everyone is encouraged to wear Waggoner shirts or school colors and show their Wildcat pride! Please contact the Showcase Chair for more information on this fun night!

Cait Sabato

This school year, all t-shirts will be PRESALE!  $15/shirt

ORDERS DUE by Curriculum Night, Wednesday, August 7th.

Samples of the shirt style will be available in the Reading area on Meet the Teacher night: July 22nd 5pm-630pm.

Per community feedback; this year's shirt will be softer and fit better. These types of comfortable shirts cost more, so the price is $15/shirt.

Presale allows you to select the sizes you need for you and your family without the worry of those particular sizes selling out. It will also prevent the PTO being left with 100+ leftover shirts.  This is a win-win for the entire Waggoner Community.

We are looking forward to everyone wearing their REACH FOR THE STARS shirt this School Year! 


Meghann Powell
Heather Reinhardt

Our 8th Annual Trunk or Treat is on Friday, October 25th from 530pm-7pm.

  • 530pm - Party Time
  • 545pm - Costume Parade, Choir Performance & Thriller Dance
  • 600pm - Trunk or Treat
  • 7pm - Time to go home.

This free event is open to all Waggoner students and their families. All children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Trunk or Treaters should bring a bag.

Costumes are encouraged!!!   NOTE: if your jr. high children are trick or treating, please be sure they wait until AFTER the Thriller Dance, so all Waggoner students have a chance to get candy.


The annual event is made possible by community involvement. Please considering volunteering your time, donating your trunk, and/or donating candy.


CANDY: Candy Monster will be at the front office and at car drop-off starting Wednesday, October 16th. 

VOLUNTEERS: We need volunteers! We can't do this without your help!  

TRUNKS: If you'd like to decorate your trunk and pass out candy, be sure to sign up! 


Krista O'Malley

Waggoner's annual Turkey Trot is on TUESDAY, November 26th, 2024.

Start your Thanksgiving Holiday off by joining Waggoner students and staff for our annual Turkey Trot! 

Each grade will run an obstacle filled course around the school. After they run, the kids will go to lunch. Parents and families are invited to join as runners, cheering squads, volunteers, or obstacle creators.

Race and lunch times for each grade are below, but we are in need of volunteers to help with coordination, set up, on-course management and tear down so if you are able to contribute your time, please signup: Waggoner: Turkey Trot

Preschool/KG 9:35-9:45 9:50-10:20
1st 9:55-10:15 10:20-10:50
2nd 10:25-10:55 11:00-11:30
3rd 11:00-11:25 11:30-12:00
4th 11:30-11:55 12:00-12:30
5th 12:00-12:25 12:30-1:00
Jeanne Peterson
Kelli Christaskis

Are you a local business with an interest in reaching our parents and their families? We work with local restaurants and entertainment throughout the year. Contact the business fundraising chairs for more information on working with Waggoner and reaching our families!

Brittany Bonitatibus

Annual Waggoner YEARBOOK! $25 each  Orders due March 28th

5th grade Love notes due by February 28th

Cover Contest Entries due by February 28th


Buy the Yearbook-Buy the Yearbook




Upcoming Events



  • You can preorder your child’s yearbook NOW. Get your preorder in by March 28th!!! School Code: 1449342

  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the school in May. Don’t miss out!
  • $25 each
Heather Nakagawa