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PreORDER your T-Shirt


Select Shirt Size
Student's Name & Teacher


This school year, all t-shirts will be PRESALE!  $15/shirt  ORDERS DUE AUGUST 7TH (CURRICULUM NIGHT)

Samples of the shirt in all sizes will be available in the Reading Area on Meet the Teacher night: July 22nd 5pm-630pm, in the Ramada area before and after school in July, and in the front office.

Per community feedback; this year's shirt will be softer and fit better. These types of comfortable shirts cost more, so the price is $15/shirt. (Adult 2X & 3X is available upon request for $18 each).

Presale allows you to select the sizes you need for you and your family without the worry of those particular sizes selling out. It will also prevent the PTO being left with 100+ shirts.  This is a win-win for the entire Waggoner Community.

Need a 2023-2024 yearbook?


There are still some 2023-2024 yearbooks available. Only $10. 

You can pick them up at Meet the Teacher night, July 22nd.


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Can you donate to one of our fundraisers? Check here for a list of upcoming fundraising opportunities.
