Upcoming Events

We schedule exciting, fun events for students, parents and teachers all year long. Check back in to see what's coming up!



The Yearbook Cover Contest is offered each year to all students so they can have a direct hand in the design of the front and back covers of the yearbook.

There is 1 front cover winner and there are 2 back cover winners per grade level. All other entries are hidden throughout the yearbook on the inside.

This year's theme is "REACH FOR THE STARS" 

Requirements for the Contest: 

  • Designed by a current Waggoner student (not a parent)
  • Vertical Orientation
  • Has to say "Waggoner"
  • Has to have the current year on it: "2024-2025"
  • Must have correct spelling

Turn into front office no later than Friday, February 28th.



  • You can preorder your child’s yearbook NOW. Get your preorder in by March 28th!!!  

https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/PictavoSchool/FindSchool School Code: 1449342

  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the school in May. Don’t miss out!
  • $25 each


Just a reminder - there is no school today.



  • Designed by a current Waggoner student (not by a parent)
  • Vertical Orientation on 8.5x11 paper  (Vertical = 11” tall)
  • Cover has to have school name on it: Waggoner
  • Cover has to have the current year on it: 2024-2025
  • Theme can be either Reach for the Stars or Waggoner Wildcats
  • Must have correct spelling


  • There is 1 front cover winner.
  • There are 2 winners per grade level that will be included on the back cover.
  • All other entries will be included within the pages of the yearbook.


  • Submit on 8.5x11 paper
  • Include a separate paper with name, grade, and teacher
  • Turn into Front Office OR scan and email to WaggonerYearbook@gmail.com


Parent Teacher Organization Meeting in Room 25.  Check in at the Front Office.

Zoom link sent via PTO email.

Last Month's Minutes are here.



Students decorate the basketball court behind Waggoner with amazing art based on their One Book One School selection.

Volunteers are welcome to help with the Chalk Art throughout the day.


  • 5th Grade Love Notes
    • Can you believe in a few short months, your 5th graders will be off to Middle School? 
    • Now is the time to get your “farewell - I love you - I’m so proud of you” notes into the yearbook!
    • You can purchase these, along with your yearbooks via: https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/PictavoSchool/FindSchool
    • $5 per 50 words



Spring Break is March 10th thru March 24th.


Parent Teacher Organization Meeting in Room 25.  Check in at the Front Office.

Zoom link sent via PTO email.

Last Month's Minutes are here.


Come to our end-of-year open house for an evening of culture and fun! Walk our halls to see the wonderful artwork our Waggoner Artists created this year!

Visit with families, have some cookies, and celebrate what an enriching year this has been!


Just a reminder that FRIDAY April 18th is early release.  1215pm dismissal.


The Volunteer Tea is a wonderful event, put on by the teachers and staff at Waggoner.

If YOU have donated to Waggoner, volunteered in your child's classroom, OR have helped the teachers, staff, or PTO in any way throughout the year, please attend this event!! 

The Waggoner teachers and staff want to take the time to thank you.

Please attend, enjoy a snack and a drink, visit with everyone. Tea dress & hat optional, but encouraged. 

*childcare IS provided*


Parent Teacher Organization Meeting in Room 25.  Check in at the Front Office.

Zoom link sent via PTO email.

Last Month's Minutes are here.


Staff Appreciation Week is a time for all the students and parents/guardians to show the Waggoner Staff some extra love.


Waggoner College is a 3 day experience that takes place during the school day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Teachers get to choose a subject they'd like to teach and Waggoner students choose a 5 course schedule of classes in which they are interested! We need TAs to assist our professors in their lessons. This is such an exciting, fun, and memorable few days. Please volunteer to help!



Just a reminder - there is no school today.




early release: 12:15pm